Red Wagyu Semen for Sale
Congratulations to Desi Cicale of Red Bull Cattle Co. for her impressive wins at the 2014 Houston Livestock Show. There was considerable shock and awe when JC Rueshaw 75 captured top honors in the ultrasound scans for marbling. Competing against 36 other entries from various black and red Wagyu bloodlines, his scan was scored at 9.48, landing him in Average Prime territory. This high score was unprecedented at the Houston show.
According to the ultrasound technician, JC would have scored a full point higher (High Prime) had he been a steer. With a breed focused on meat quality, the level of intra-muscular fat that these scans indicate is all important.
When naming him Grand Champion Red Bull, event judge Brant Poe described #75 as “amazing” and “extraordinary”.
Semen is available for immediate shipment at $80/straw, F.O.B. TX.
Update from 2015: JC Rueshaw 75 was once again the top marbling Wagyu at the Houston Livestock Show and Grand Champion Red Wagyu Bull.
"To achieve this level of marbling at 14 months of age is exceptional. Normally we don’t see this level of marbling until black
Wagyus have 240 or more days on feed.”
Lynn Allen
Cattle Performance Enhancement Co.

News from the Houston Livestock Show - 2014
JC Rueshaw 75
Grand Champion Red Bull
14 mo. - 1400+ lbs.