Rueshaw Red Wagyu Genetics for Sale
Reintroducing Rueshaw

Rueshaw was the first Wagyu to be registered with the
American Wagyu Association. Named the Japanese Red
National Champion in 1975, he was imported to Texas
the following year by Morris Whitney. His arrival, along
with three other foundation sires, marked the beginning
of Wagyu breeding outside of Japan. Unique among
this small group and those that would follow, Rueshaw
was the only national champion to ever leave Japan.
Because he preceded the first Wagyu females by
nearly 20 years, Rueshaw didn’t sire any full blood
(100%) offspring during his lifetime. He was used for crossbreeding and to breed up to "purebred" status. According to association guidelines, purebreds have 93.75%-99.9% Wagyu genetics but they can't be bred up to 100% "full blood" status. Until 2013, Rueshaw had no active full blood progeny.
Line breeding to select for specific traits was a common practice in Japan, particularly during the 1990's when the rest of the foundation stock were exported to the U.S. As a result, many were inbred and closely related. While there are benefits to line breeding, it is known to decrease reproductive success, survival, and growth and to increase recessive traits. Compounding the situation is the fact that the effective population size of Wagyu cattle outside Japan is small in comparison to other breeds.
Perhaps because he was born in 1973, well before the practice expanded, Rueshaw is remarkably free of inbreeding. There is no duplication in his pedigree for the previous three generations. It also shows him to be unrelated to all other fullblood foundation sires, red or black, outside of Japan. In recent years, this potent bloodline has been used to give a boost to the breed’s genetic diversity and to improve a variety of traits.
His ability to pass on good marbling was exemplified by the astonishing results in the 2014 Houston Livestock Show of a full blood son we produced. Honored as Grand Chamption Red Bull, JC Rueshaw 75 was the TOP MARBLING Wagyu in the show and only one of two entrants to reach mid-Prime. He surpassed bulls and females from all the various Wagyu strains, red or black. In previous years, a Rueshaw purebred grandson captured the prestigious Grand Champion Carcass Award at the National Western Fed Beef Contest in Denver.
Another important trait we have seen passed on to his progeny is docility. According to long time breeder, Bubba Kay, Rueshaw was extremely gentle and cooperative. He described Rueshaw as a large-framed bull of about 1,900-2,000# with a beautiful, deep red coat color.
We were pleased to hear a more recent success story about a son that we produced, Rueshaw II, who is a full brother to our JC Rushaw 75 and JC Rueshaw 92. Based on crossbred carcass data of calves finishing at 90% Prime or higher, Rueshaw II was sold to a syndicate in 2018 for over $100,000.
To the many advantages of the black Wagyu strains (carcass quality, high yield, longevity, fertility) the reds add better heat tolerance, earlier growth, more milk in the females, and easier fleshing on grass. The Rueshaw sired calves we have produced thus far have been very well proportioned and calm with a fine hair coat. Stay tuned for availability of Rueshaw genetics as we continue to develop this important line.

JC Ms Rueshaw 73
Rueshaw II
JC Rueshawsan 65