Red and Black Wagyu Bulls for Sale
With the increasing demand for high quality beef for domestic and international markets, interest is very high in Wagyu cattle. Premium meat companies are paying a bonus over auction prices for 50% Wagyu calves and Wagyu bulls can help you cash in on those extra profits. Because their DNA is quite different from that of the more mainstream breeds used in the U.S., Wagyu bulls offer significant hybrid vigor to their crossbred calves. Retained heifers will also benefit from improved teat and udder quality, fertility, longevity, and moderate size.
Because we utilize the top AI sires, the bulls we produce are well suited for full blood Wagyu production or crossbreeding for terminal feeders. All for sale are 100% full blood Wagyu, DNA parent verified, registered, docile, cosmetically dehorned, healthy, and vaccinated. They are well accustomed to people and have been handled in a gentle, low-stress fashion. If we don't have what you're looking for, we can refer you to other producers who have breeding age bulls available.
Please contact us for a current list of Wagyu bulls for sale,.
Full blood red and black Wagyu bulls located in Texas are currently available for purchase. Ready to breed.