Prices listed are per straw, F.O.B. TX.
All sires are 100% full blood Wagyu and registered.
CONTACT US to order black Wagyu and red Wagyu semen.
Payments accepted by check or online via credit card.
Red and Black Wagyu Semen for Sale
Semen is currently available from these fine black Wagyu and red Wagyu sires:
JC Rueshawsan 65 - FB14154 - $100 (female sexed only)
(Rueshaw x SR Sanji)
Red Influenced
Thick, powerful, amazingly docile
JC Shigefuku 87 - FB17760 - $50
(Shigefuku x Itoshigenami)
Rare foundation genetics
Full brother to top selling female 2018 TX Wagyu Sale
JC Hirashige 232 - FB25641 - $40
(Hirashigetayasu x Sanjirou)
Low birth weights, good marbling & growth
JC Shigeshigetani 325 - FB 75431 - $40
(Shigeshigetani x UKB Mr Yasushigefuku)
Great marbling & low birth weights.
JC Rueshaw 92 - FB16182 - $80
(Rueshaw x Umemaru)
Rare foundation genetics
Full brother to JC Rueshaw 75 and Rueshaw II
Very limited supply of semen available
JC Ruesakae 203 - FB22823 - $30
(JC Rueshawsan 65 x Red Emperor)
"Akaushi Plus" best of red and black genetics
